Settlement Funding for Bus Accident Cases
Fair Rate Funding helps clients obtain bus accident lawsuit loans prior to settlement.
Have you been injured in a bus accident and are currently awaiting settlement on your lawsuit? Do you need a cash advance/case loan now?
Fair Rate Funding is a direct lender that works with clients injured in bus accidents and can help you get the money you need now.
Bus Accident Facts and Circumstances
A bus accident is not your typical motor vehicle accident. Buses have a lot of safety features to make them safer overall. But only up to a certain extent. Bus passengers are usually unrestrained by a seat belt thereby increasing the risk of severe physical injury, should an accident occur. Unfortunately, the recovery process is a long one.
Unfortunately, despite this increased risk, these cases are usually more difficult to settle in a timely fashion. The cause is that most bus operations are run by local government. Most jurisdictions have particularly strict negligence standard for these claims, (commonly referred to as “Tort Claims Acts“) making it harder to pursue a case against a government entity for negligence. As a result, you can expect the litigation process will be long and arduous.
For example, many tort claims statutes limit the amount of time an injured party must notify the public entity of the claim. Often, if a potential claim is not quickly pursued, the lawsuit can be barred under the statute.
Bus Accidents Result in Severe and Permanent Injury
Bus accidents often result in injured passengers. Buses are heavy and impacts can be severe leaving many with permanent injuries. Accidents of this nature prompt victims to seek compensation through the court system. Bus accident lawsuits sometimes involve catastrophic injuries leaving the victim disabled, unable to work or otherwise physically damaged.
The extent of injury impacts the settlement value of the case. In order to be successful in a personal injury case, the plaintiff must still have:
- Liability
- Damages
- Ability to pay (insurance coverage)
For a case to be successful, liability, damages and insurance coverage must be present. That is, the injured bus accident victim must prove a defendant breached a duty of care and that breach resulted in personal injury.
Proving the above can take time. Most bus accident victims who file a lawsuit hire an attorney to help navigate through the process. With special negligence standards, reduced time for filing and insurance coverage issues, hiring a bus accident attorney most likely will be money well spent.
The Need for Bus Accident Lawsuit Loans
In all lawsuits involving severe injuries, including bus accidents, medical treatment is extensive. As a result, the time needed to obtain Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) could last years.
Delays are simply a part of the civil litigation process. Unfortunately, plaintiffs can encounter financial distress while their lawsuit progresses. Extra money can ease some of these burdens. Bus accident lawsuit loans can help!
What is a Bus Accident Lawsuit Loan?
Bus accident lawsuit loan contracts advance money now to injured victims in exchange for a portion of the future lawsuit settlement. The lawsuit funding company is repaid if the case is successful. The bus accident lawsuit loan is not repaid if you lose your case.
Unlike a traditional loan which must be paid back, bus accident lawsuit loans are only repaid if you win. That is why pre-settlement funding loans are sometimes referred to as “non-recourse” funding because the lawsuit funder cannot pursue repayment if the case is lost. Despite its name, a bus accident lawsuit loan is not a traditional loan.
Instead, bus accident lawsuit loans are a sale of property rights in the settlement. If there is no settlement, then what was purchased has no value and the plaintiff has no other obligations.
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
How Do I Qualify?
If you have a lawsuit based on a bus accident and have a lawyer representing you on a contingency fee basis, which means the attorney is only paid if you win the lawsuit, you are eligible to apply for a bus accident lawsuit loan from Fair Rate Funding. If you need cash now while waiting for your case to finish, Fair Rate Funding can provide lawsuit settlement funding to help you while your case is litigated.
To obtain settlement funding in the quickest and easiest manner, please fill out the quick application or call us at 888-964-2224. We will contact you immediately and begin the process. We routinely provide settlement funding for bus accident lawsuits within 24 hours of receiving the paperwork from your attorney.
Thank you for choosing Fair Rate Funding.