Gas Station Accident Lawsuit Loans Help Injured Plaintiffs
Gas station accident lawsuit loans advance money to plaintiffs prior to settlement. They are used to pay for much needed expenses while the case is litigated. Gas station lawsuit loans are non-recourse funding. This means the cash advances are not repaid if the lawsuits are not successful.
Every year, accidents occur at or near gas stations across the country. Injured gas station patrons can suffer greatly from accidents due to negligence. Some common types of accidents which regularly occur at gas stations might include:
Slip and Falls
Slip and fall accidents are probably the most common accident type which occur at gas stations. Slippery conditions result from a variety of events, including:

- walkways in disrepair (potholes, loose gravel, etc.)
- gas spills
- oil spills
- ice
Since most gas stations now operate convenience stores on the premises, hazardous walking conditions can occur both outside and inside the market. These types of conditions include spilled food or drink and soap and/or water in the bathrooms.
Gas stations, especially those open 24 hours a day, can be dangerous places. Visitors (business invitees) can be victims of assault, battery and other crimes. Assaults are intentional torts. As such, they are really not great candidates for gas station lawsuit loans. However, if a victim can prove that the gas station owner was aware that these types of crimes occur at the station and they fail to provide adequate security, the gas station can be held liable under various laws.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Vehicle and pedestrian accidents regularly occur at the pumps or in the parking lot. This is especially true if the gas station serves a great deal of people or is at a busy intersection. Car accidents can occur due to inadequate signage but also since there are usually no lanes. If you’ve ever driven in a busy gas station parking lot, you know what it’s like.
Car accident drivers and passengers can suffer severe and permanent injuries. Pedestrians walking to/from the bathroom, market or around their cars can also be injured.
Making a Claim – Gas Station Lawsuits
For those injured at gas stations, there are some remedies available. One is to file suit against the gas station owner for negligence. This would be appropriate if the injury occurred on the premises and the owner breached the duty of care owed to business invitees. Examples might include a slip and fall on an oil spill or after a food or drink spill inside the market.
Lawsuits against other parties present at a gas station could involve suing another driver for an accident that occurred at or near the pumps.
Of course, the other parties (defendants) will have their own attorneys who will try to deny the claim. They will afford defenses such as that they had no notice of the issue, defect, etc. While the defense can occasionally thwart any attempt at securing compensation, businesses are required to regularly check for hazards and can still be responsible if they fail to catch a danger.
Gas Station Accident Lawsuits Take Time
Using the American legal system to resolve disputes means filing a complaint against the entity that caused you harm. Civil lawsuit basics dictate certain procedures that must be followed. These are aspects of the legal system designed to lead to a fair and just outcome.
The problem for many plaintiffs is that it is not a quick process. Plaintiffs can expect significant delays in the application of justice and civil lawsuits can take many months and even years to resolve depending on where the lawsuit is filed.
While legal steps are taken and issues resolved, many injured plaintiffs are unable to make ends meet for whatever reason. Some simply run into unexpected financial troubles. Others are unable to work due to injury. For whatever reason, they need immediate financial help. Gas station accident lawsuit loans are one possible solution.
What are Gas Station Accident Lawsuit Loans?
A gas station accident lawsuit loan is when an injured gas station lawsuit plaintiff pledges a portion of a future settlement to a lawsuit loan company, like Fair Rate Funding. The lawsuit loan business advances money to gas station accident plaintiffs to help pay expenses such as:
- living expenses
- property damage
- rent
- groceries
- medical treatment and/or surgeries
- and others.
In fact, there are no restrictions on the use of gas station accident lawsuit loans since you are accessing your own money. The only difference is that you are just getting some of your settlement prior to winning your case.
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
How Do I Qualify for Gas Station Accident Lawsuit Loans?
If you have a lawyer representing you on your gas station accident lawsuit, you are eligible to apply for gas station accident lawsuit funding. Gas station accident lawsuit loans are available to injured plaintiffs resulting from falls and other accidents in and around gas stations sites. If you want a gas station accident lawsuit loan, give us a call at 888-964-2224. A person will answer your call and guide you in the process.
What is the Gas Station Accident Lawsuit Loan Process?
Lawsuit Loan Application
- Client or lawyer contacts us.
- Client gives name and contact information for their lawyer.
- We request appropriate documents from your attorney.
- Once paperwork is received, we speak to your lawyer about the case.
- We approve your case for a gas station lawsuit loan.
- The gas station lawsuit loan contract is sent the client and attorney.
- Client signs returns the documents.
- Attorney signs an acknowledgement indicating agreement terms will be honored.
- Cash advance is sent via overnight or electronic bank transfer.
- When the case is successful, the lawyer repays the lawsuit loan out of the settlement.
How Do I Get Started with a Gas Station Lawsuit Loan?
If you were hurt at a gas station and have a lawsuit, you are eligible to apply for a lawsuit loan from Fair Rate Funding. If you can’t wait for your case to finish, please contact us or complete our submission form.
We will contact you immediately and begin the process. We routinely provide lawsuit settlement funding for gas station accident cases within 24 hours of receiving the paperwork from your attorney.