Parking Lot Lawsuit Loans Help Injured Plaintiffs
Parking lot lawsuit loans assist injured plaintiffs with immediate cash prior to settlement. The money is advanced before the case is resolved and not repaid unless recovery is made.
Parking Lot Accidents Naturally Occur
Parking lots are riskier than you think. Many thousands of parking lot crashes occur every year. Hundreds of deaths and thousands of people get injured in parking lot car crashes.
Not only auto accidents occur in shopping center parking lots. Research shows that a large number of slip and fall or trip and fall accidents occur in these areas as well.

Accidents naturally occur. They are simply part of life. Fortunately, people who are injured through no fault of their own can seek compensation in the courts against the party at fault (tortfeasor).
Lawsuits involving parking lot injuries are based in negligence. Negligence is where the law protects individuals when other parties breach a duty of care and that breach results in damages. Both fall accidents and auto collisions can fall into this category.
Most state laws allow lawsuits to be filed in state courts. Some lawsuits are filed in the federal court system under certain circumstances.
The legal system attempts to make injured victims whole again by providing monetary compensation. Obviously, money cannot actually undo the injuries parking lot accident victims have to deal with on a daily basis. But since nothing can undo the injuries, money must be the only substitute.
Parking Lawsuits Have Limitations
Those injured in parking lots and are pursuing parking lot accident lawsuits wind up getting an education about the legal system and some of its shortcomings. One such limitation is the time it takes to pursue and ultimately succeed in securing a settlement.
There are time delays in treatment. Many injured parties treat for 6-9 months before a doctor is comfortable assessing the permanency of the condition. In pursuing the case in court, there are time delays built right into the Rules of Civil Procedure which gives defendants time to formally answer complaints, motions, etc.
Then plaintiffs must go through the discovery process where both parties exchange information. The discovery phase could be the longest part of the proceedings in many injury lawsuits involving parking lot accidents.
Fighting against financially strong insurance companies and their defense lawyers is difficult. Parking lot injury lawsuit plaintiffs face even more pressure as their injuries often prevent them from working. Lawsuits can last many months or even years. Because some plaintiffs are not earning what they were prior to the accident, many accept “low-ball” settlement offers simply because they cannot hold on financially.
Parking lot accident lawsuit loans are one available solution.
What is a Parking Lot Lawsuit Loan?
Parking lot lawsuit loans are financial transactions in which a lawsuit “lender” advances money to plaintiffs prior to settlement. In return, plaintiffs pledge a portion of the future proceeds of the claim. Because these transactions advance money and the repayment of these advances are normally calculated by a percentage rate, they are sometimes referred to as lawsuit loans. They are also known as lawsuit funding, settlement loans, and settlement funding.
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How Do Parking Lot Lawsuit Loans Help Plaintiffs?
Parking lot loans allow plaintiffs to meet their financial obligations without having to accept less than fair compensation as settlement for their case. Lawsuit loans are commonly used for:
- Medical expenses
- Food and other common living costs
- School expenses and tuition
- Utilities
- Vehicle repairs or replacements
- Property damages
- Mortgage or rent payments
- Debts
In fact, there are absolutely no restrictions on the use of a parking lot lawsuit loan. Plaintiffs can use the advance for any possible reason. After all, it is your money. You are just getting a portion of it before you settle.
How Do Lawsuit Loans Work?
Parking lot lawsuit loans are essentially a three step process.
First, you apply with us online or give us a call at 888-964-2224. A representative will give you a call and discuss your funding options. After this call, you will be pre-qualified for a lawsuit loan.
Next, we gather paperwork and speak to your attorney about your case. At this stage we will approve or deny your request for funding.
Finally, you are sent a contract for your signature. Once the documents are executed and returned, your case is ready to fund. At this point, you will receive a check via overnight courier or electronic bank transfer. It’s really that easy.
How Do I Qualify?
If you have a pending parking lot accident, you are eligible to apply for a parking lot lawsuit loan. The other criteria for pre-qualification are that you must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be represented by an attorney
- Your attorney is only paid if the case is successful
How to Get Started
We provide funding solutions for a great deal of case types. Simply complete the application form or call us at 888-964-2224 to see if you qualify. The call is free, application is free and there is absolutely no obligation.