Party Accident Lawsuit Loans Help Injured Plaintiffs
Party accident lawsuit loans are specialty finance transactions that advance immediate cash to injured plaintiffs, prior to settlement. The purpose of these products is to level the legal playing field between plaintiffs and financially strong insurers who often delay compensation to injured victims. Party accident lawsuit plaintiffs get immediate cash in exchange for a portion of their future settlement.
Party Accident Examples
Parties are a great part of life. Gathering of people in celebration, for whatever reason, can be an extremely enjoyable experience. We do live in a physical world however, with all the dangers it encompasses. Party accidents can and do occur regularly throughout the United States and abroad.
Although party accident examples are generally unique and fact specific, some common party accident types regularly occur simply due the nature of parties in general.
Slip and Falls at Parties
For example, gatherings of people in celebration means people are moving about socializing. Food and drink are normally served, decorations positioned and hosting occurs. This situation can contribute to slip and fall or trip and fall accidents at the party venue.
While some parties are hosted at businesses such as catering halls, bars, restaurants, etc., others occur at people’s homes or residences. At either setting, the host owes a duty of care to party invitees to maintain a safe environment for guests. That includes keeping passageways free from obstructions, hazards and disrepair.
Decorative Accidents and Party Planning
Another common party accident type that can lead to a lawsuit being filed includes the negligent decoration and set up of a party venue. Setting up a party can involve something as minimal as bringing a dozen balloons or could involve large decorations, party tents, catering structures, etc.
The larger the party, the more fun the participants can generally have. The opportunity for a guest to be injured also increases. It is not uncommon therefore, that accidents can occur from:

- improper installation of decorations
- improper installation of party tents
- food poisoning and catering issues
- improper installation of dance floors, lighting or tables
- defective tables or chairs
- and a host of others …
Dram Shop Lawsuits in Certain States
Many states (30) have dram shop laws that place liability on licensed establishments such as restaurants, bars, and catering halls for selling or serving alcohol to individuals who cause injuries or death as a result of their intoxication.
A common factual scenario might be where an establishment serves an already visibly intoxicated person and then that person causes a car wreck which results in the death or permanent injury of another/others.
State dram shop laws were the public’s response to the irresponsible serving of alcohol by businesses engaged in selling spirits for profit. The public felt these businesses owed a duty of care to other individuals and the law incentivizes these establishments to place public safety over profit.
Although some states do not have dram shop laws, that does not necessarily prohibit filing a lawsuit against a business owner or private party host. If you have a party accident and are considering your legal options, you should consult a licensed attorney in your state to discuss your legal options. Nothing herein constitutes legal advice.
Party Accident Lawsuit Limitations
Party accident lawsuits are simply one possible recourse for injured party accident victims. The injured party hires a lawyer to file a personal injury lawsuit and pursue compensation under the law.
Ultimately, victims may be compensated. However, the wheels of justice turn slowly. Party accident lawsuit plaintiffs can expect many months if not years to pass before they see any money.
Meanwhile, many injured plaintiffs are no longer able to work due to injuries sustained at the party. The bills keep coming however, and often plaintiffs must choose between seeking fair compensation by waiting for the case to be properly litigated and accepting a low-ball settlement offer simply to keep the lights on.
Unfortunately, this situation is common. In fact, it is the EXACT situation large insurers want you in. Plaintiffs do have options however. One such option is a party accident lawsuit loan.
What is a Party Accident Lawsuit Loan?
A party accident lawsuit loan is a financial transaction between a plaintiff in a lawsuit and a lawsuit funding company like Fair Rate Funding. The company advances the plaintiff immediate funds in anticipation of settlement. The plaintiff pledges a portion of the future settlement to the funding company.
Party Accident Lawsuit Loans are Not Loans
Although sometimes referred to as settlement loans, party accident lawsuit loans are not actually loans. This is because the deal is structured as a sale of property rights in the future proceeds of a case. In other words, the lawsuit funding company buys a portion of the settlement PRIOR to settlement. For more on the differences between these two types of financial transactions, please read about the differences between loans and lawsuit loans.
Party Accident Lawsuit Loans are Not Recourse
Party accident lawsuit loans are non-recourse funding. This means the lawsuit funding company cannot pursue the plaintiff personally for repayment. That is, the company has “no-recourse” against the plaintiff for the balance. Instead, the lawsuit itself must be the SOLE source of repayment under all circumstances.
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
What Are Party Accident Loans Used For?
Although traditional loans may require you to spend the money on something specific (i.e. car loans, mortgages, etc.), party accident lawsuit loans have no such restrictions. You can spend your party accident lawsuit loan on anything you like. After all, it’s your money – you’re just receiving part of it early.
Party accident lawsuit loans offer financial support which is often used by plaintiffs to pay for:
- Medical bills
- Medical treatment or surgeries
- Groceries
- Utilities
- Car payments or other transportation costs
- School tuition
- Business opportunities
- And many more…
How to Qualify
If you were injured in a party accident and have a lawsuit pending, you are eligible to apply for a party accident lawsuit loan. The pre-qualification requirements for lawsuit funding are:
- You have a valid claim
- You are 18 years old or older
- You have an attorney representing you.
To find out more about lawsuit loan eligibility for party accident cases, simply complete the application form or call us at 888-964-2224 to see if you qualify. The call is free, application is free and there is absolutely no obligation.