A FedEx truck driver has filed suit against the city of Memphis and its former Police Chief after an auto accident on June 23rd.

The civil action lawsuit, filed in Macomb County Circuit Court, stems from a two-car accident which left both vehicles totaled and left the FedEx truck driver, Sean Wood, seriously injured.
Former Police Chief, Beels Koveck, was driving a city police vehicle at the time of the accident. According to police reports, Koveck ran a stop sign on a gravel road and slammed into the side of Wood’s FedEx truck, sending the struck vehicle careening into a nearby ditch. Despite being found at fault, Koveck did not receive a citation from Michigan State Police who responded to the accident.
Woods suffered significant injury in the crash, requiring extensive corrective surgery to his ALS. Woods has been unable to return to work following the accident owing to his injury. Woods is seeking damages for pain and suffering, medical expenses, legal fees, and for lost wages.
“She admitted she ran the stop sign and witnesses state it was at a high rate of speed with no attempt to stop” said Christian P. Collis, Woods’ attorney, “So I don’t think it will be hard to show… gross negligence.”
Auto Accident Settlement Funding Helps Plaintiffs With Cash Now
That being said, Woods still has a long and difficult court battle ahead of him. Filing a lawsuit against a public official can result in a protracted and messy proceeding. As the case drags on, Woods’ medical cost fees will begin to mount, putting increasing pressure on him to accept an early ‘low ball’ offer as final settlement.
Settlement funding from Fair Rate Funding could help someone in Wood’s position endure the financial hardships of an extended legal battle. Auto accident settlement funding is a non-recourse cash advance available to plaintiffs in a variety of civil suit proceedings, including automobile accident suits. Settlement funding provides money in anticipation of a successful settlement of judgment; money that can be used to pay medical expenses, to compensate for lost wages, or for any expenditure the applicant decides. And if the borrower fails to win their case, the funds do not have to be paid back.
Unlike traditional loans, Auto accident settlement funding is awarded based on the strength of your suit, not your credit or employment history. The funds can be made available as little as 24 hours and there are no upfront fees associated with securing settlement funding. You don’t pay until you win your case. And if you don’t win, you are not required to repay anything.
If you or someone you know is going through the long and costly process of fighting for a fair settlement in an automobile accident lawsuit, consider obtaining Auto accident settlement funding. It can give you the financial flexibility to keep up your fight without feeling the pressure to settle for less than you deserve.