There is an increasing number of bus companies involved in the double-decker sightseeing business in New York City but at the moment there is no mandatory requirement to report bus accidents to New York City’s licensing agency. At present there are five different entities, which include the Consumer Affairs Department, which monitor the operation of these popular tourist attractions.
None however, demand compulsory reporting of accidents like a recent accident in Times Square which resulted in injuries to 14 people. This particular accident involved Gray Line buses, NYC’s largest sightseeing company.

Those victims of the Times Square accident may ultimately file a personal injury lawsuit against Gray Line Buses for permanent and severe injuries. Damages normally include pain, suffering, lost wages, and out of pocket medical costs.
When there are several people injured it takes time to pursue injury lawsuits as defendants vigorously deny liability or the severity of the injuries.
Meanwhile, victims may be under financial stress while they try to meet their usual costs but are unable to work due to the injuries. This is when lawsuit funding can help. Lawsuit funding of personal injury cases is where plaintiffs receive an immediate cash advance from a lawsuit settlement funding company BEFORE the case settles. In return, the lawsuit funding company receives a pre determined portion of the settlement ONLY IF the case is successful.
Anyone who is injured in an accident and is represented by an attorney can apply for financial relief through lawsuit funding. There are no upfront costs and the money is only repaid if the plaintiff wins the lawsuit. If the lawsuit is lost, for whatever reason, the lawsuit cash advance funding is not repaid.
As such, lawsuit funding transactions are a risk free proposition for plaintiffs who wish to obtain a portion of their settlement immediately to pay for such things as car payments, rent, mortgage payments, credit card debt, utilities, or medical treatment. In fact, there is absolutely no restriction on the money’s use. Plaintiffs can use the money however they see fit.