How Can You Help Yourself Get Lawsuit Funding?
When offering cash advances for pending lawsuits, lawsuit funding companies analyze a wide variety of information. But did you know you can help yourself get lawsuit funding? In this post, we outline some of the things applicants can do to help the funding process along.
Gather and Submit Information
Clients frequently possess much of the information needed to evaluate a lawsuit for funding. For example, if the client is requesting a lawsuit loan for an automobile accident, clients may already possess the police report, insurance information, and perhaps some medical records. In some cases, this information may be enough to uncover a fundable lawsuit.

Communicate With Your Attorney
The reasons for needing a lawsuit loan against your legal case are many. However, if your attorney does not know the situation, he/she may resist the process. Be upfront and honest about your desires and your attorney will be more willing to cooperate. Remember, attorney cooperation in the key to lawsuit funding approvals.
Be Patient
The lawsuit loan process can be quick, but it isn’t really easy. Lawsuit loan delays are sometimes part of the process. Getting upset about it almost never helps. Instead, be patient as your case is evaluated.
Remember, lawsuit funding companies are in the business of helping clients obtain money. They only get paid if cash is advanced so the process is virtually never adversarial. You and the case loan workers are on the same team for purposes of obtaining a lawsuit loan. Help each other and allow lawsuit loan professionals complete the necessary steps. Help them, help you.
Ask to Help Yourself with Lawsuit Funding
Ask your funder if there is anything you can do to help. In most cases, the professional lawsuit advance worker can handle the process in its entirety. But, you never know when that one piece of information will make a difference in the lawsuit loan underwriting process.
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Understand the Process
Lawsuit funding is a business and business is not personal. If your case can be funded, it will. Lawsuit loan companies want to fund your case but the underwriting process is VERY subjective. What is a great case for one legal loan outfit, may not suit the tastes of another.
If at all possible, lawsuit loan companies will fund a lawsuit. The trick is understanding the lawsuit loan process and coordinating efforts within those parameters. With this focus, you can help yourself get lawsuit funding.
Your Lawsuit is Still a Strong Case
Even if you are denied a lawsuit loan, that does not necessarily mean your case isn’t strong. For example, your lawsuit may be so complex that a company may not want to take a chance on it. Or, there may be unresolved legal issues when you apply. Perhaps the timing just isn’t right or all the pertinent information is not yet available.
Remember, your attorney would not be wasting his time or yours if he/she thought there was no chance of recovery. You probably still have a good case despite what legal funding underwriters think. The fact is that not every case is a good fit for funding. But your case will still likely be successful.
Help Yourself Get Lawsuit Funding the Easy Way
The above are only a few of the possible points which potentially help a client understand the truth about lawsuit loans. The easiest way to help yourself get lawsuit funding is to contact us or give us a call. We are here to answer all your questions and can guide you through to a lawsuit loan approval. Believe it or not, there is such a thing as “easy lawsuit loans.”
Why Choose Fair Rate Funding
You obviously have a choice in who you use for legal funding. We offer:
- Simple and Easy Process – Approval only on the strength of your case.
- Risk – Free Proposition – Only repay if you win your case.
- Rapid Approval and Funding – Approvals often within 24 hrs.
- Up Front Pricing – Absolutely no hidden fees.
Give us a call and learn about your options. We are here to help and are at your service.