Fair Rate Funding provides lawsuit funding for litigants who have an immediate financial needs. In other words, lawsuit funding gives cash to plaintiffs prior to their case reaches settlement.

By far the most common lawsuit funded is the personal injury case. Personal injury cases are based in negligence where one party breaches a duty of care to another, and that breach causes damages.
Among the more common negligence personal injury cases are car accidents. If automobile driver causes an accident and another suffers an injury as a result, that person can seek compensation through an insurance claim and ultimately a personal injury lawsuit. Plaintiffs can recover medical and car repair bills.
However, some motorists are not insured, leaving an injured party to submit a claim through his own insurance policy.
Car accident injuries can be serious and many cannot be remedied through medical treatment. The US legal system affords protection to these plaintiffs by allowing for monetary compensation in negligence lawsuits. In other words, plaintiffs can receive cash for their injuries as compensation. Medical bills, pain and suffering and lost income are only some examples of of damages courts recognize in a personal injury lawsuit.
Standards of what exactly constitutes negligence as well as what damages are recoverable can differ from state to state. At the time of trial, a judge or jury will decide the lawsuit unless the parties settle the matter “out of court”.
Medical malpractice lawsuits are another common type of personal injury case. If a patient visits a doctor, he expects reasonable care from the medical professional and his staff. All medical procedures have theirs risks, but disregard for a standard or care can lead to serious consequences. This includes basic check-ups, surgeries, x-rays, general diagnoses and treatments.
Similarly, when an individual visits a business, he expects the property to be safe under ordinary circumstances. For example, if you slip and fall at the grocery store on spilled orange juice on the floor, this may be considered negligence on the part of the store management. States have different rules regarding the right to recover money for pain and suffering. For example, if the injured person was not paying attention or had no right to be on the property, you may not receive anything.
If you were injured because of the negligence of another, you may be entitled to compensation. Always consult a lawyer before attempting to file a legal claim.
If you need legal finance assistance, consult our office. We may be able to help you qualify for immediate financial relief through lawsuit funding. Lawsuit funding is the advancing of money prior to settlement. Lawsuit funding, also known as settlement funding, should not be considered a lawsuit loan or settlement loan even though those are common terms. Lawsuit funding is a transfer of property rights in the potential proceeds of a case. As such, if the lawsuit is not successful, the advance is not repaid so lawsuit funding is a risk free proposition for plaintiffs.
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