Pedestrian Lawsuit Funding Helps Injured Plaintiffs
Pedestrian lawsuit funding is a financial solution for the injured. Everyone has a different way of transportation, whether it is by car, bus, train, or on foot. However, at some point in everyone’s life, they are pedestrians. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2021, 7,388 pedestrians were killed – a 13% increase from 2020 – and more than 60,000 pedestrians were injured nationwide.
In this post, we examine pedestrian lawsuit funding – what it is, how it’s used and why pedestrian lawsuit funding is an important part of the legal landscape.
What is Pedestrian Lawsuit Funding?
Pedestrian lawsuit funding describes specialty financial transactions where lawsuit “lenders” make cash advances on pending lawsuits to injured plaintiffs. Also known as pedestrian lawsuit loans, lawsuit funding contracts are a partial transfer of property rights in a future settlement or legal recovery. Because of this, repayment is contingent upon the lawsuit’s success. In other words, if the case is lost, the advance is not repaid.
Pedestrian lawsuit funding is designed to allow plaintiffs to meet their expenses while their attorneys pursue the maximum compensation available. Injured pedestrian lawsuits are particularly good candidates for lawsuit funding since injuries are often serious which causes plaintiffs to miss work and accompanying wages.
Injury Types
Pedestrian accident injury types range from fatalities to just scrapes and bruises, yet there are many levels of damages within that spectrum.
Specific injuries can include:

- body movement disabilities
- paralysis
- pelvic injuries
- severe head trauma such as, subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages (bleeding on the surface of the brain or of the area between the brain and thin tissue that covers the brain)
- spinal injuries
- fractures
- internal injuries involving the liver, spleen, renal, and gastrointestinal track
- severe back and/or abdominal pain
- excessive bleeding
- amputation and more . . .
How the accident occurs also contributes to the severity of the injury.
“In adult collisions, the front bumper strikes the lower leg region…while the upper body and head are brought into contact with the hood and/or windshield. Therefore, there are three distinct impacts. The first is between the lower leg and the bumper. This is immediately followed by contact between the thigh area and the upper edge of the hood. These impacts cause rotation of the upper body, resulting in another impact between the head/shoulders and the hood/windshield region.”
Cal J Emerg Med. 2007 Feb; 8(1): 15–21
Multiple injuries mean complex treatment and can be a reason why lawsuits can take so long to resolve. While the plaintiff will likely receive compensation for his/her injuries, it will likely be only after treatment is completed. Meanwhile, expenses still must be paid.
Pedestrian Lawsuit Funding Based in Negligence Law
The good news is that if a pedestrian is hurt by another individual or involved in a motor vehicle accident, the person who caused the injury is accountable through a negligence lawsuit.
Negligence occurs when a duty of care for another’s safety is breached and that breach causes damages to the victim. Negligence lawsuits are a logical effect of a pedestrian personal injury involving automobile accidents. The victim as well as his/her family can ask the justice system to award monetary compensation and other remedies. If death is involved, the negligent party can be sued for negligence under State wrongful death laws.
Negligence lawsuits take time however, and many pedestrians must wait many months or even years before they are compensated. Pedestrian lawsuit funding allows plaintiffs to endure the litigation process through advancing immediate cash to pay for:
- Medical treatment and surgery loans
- Living expenses
- Housing
- Transportation
- Past debts
- School tuition
- and more . . .
If You Have Any Questions, Call 888-964-2224
Pedestrian Lawsuit Funding Helps
Pursuing a lawsuit against a negligent person can be a long and painful process. However, plaintiffs may be able to secure pre-settlement funding to help with immediate financial concerns. The money can be used at the plaintiff’s discretion and need not be repaid if the case is unsuccessful.
If you or a loved one is involved in a personal injury lawsuit for a pedestrian or other accident and need help paying the bills, you may qualify for settlement funding. Personal injury cases often continue for extended periods of time. And they sometimes lead to emotional and financial stress. Extra money can improve this condition. A lawsuit cash advance can help!
If you have any questions regarding lawsuit funding, call us now. We are here to help and are at your service.
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